Dunaskiss Consulting would appreciate your support. If you feel you’ve received great service, please help us by leaving a review on Google and/or Yelp. Here are three simple ways you can do this using any device.

Google Review on Desktop

  • Log into your Google account
  • Open any browser and go to google.com
  • Do a search for “Dunaskiss Consulting”
  • About half way down in the box on the right, you will see a button that says “Write a Review”
  • In the window that appears, click the stars to score Dunaskiss Consulting and write a review


On your Android phone or tablet,

  • Open the Google Maps app
  • Do a search for“Dunaskiss Consulting”
  • At the bottom, tap the locations name or address
  • Scroll down until you see the 5 empty stars
  • Tap the stars to score Dunaskiss Consulting and write a review


On your iPhone or iPad,

  • Open the Google Maps app
  • Search for a place or tap it on the map
  • At the bottom, tap the place’s name or address
  • Scroll down until you see 5 empty stars
  • Tap the stars to score Dunaskiss Consulting and write a review